Akame Ga Kill When Will I See You Again

Akame, likewise known as Akame of the Demon Sword Murasame, is the titular heroine, alongside Tatsumi, and lead anti-heroine of the manga series Akame ga Kill!, likewise as the main protagonist of the prequel manga Akame ga Kill! Zero. She likewise appears as a main supporting character in Hinowa ga Yuku!, mainly as Hinata's personal tutor of swordsmanship and Elder's Course combat tutor. Originally sold to the Empire along with her sister Kurome to be trained equally an assassin, Akame eventually defected to the rebels when she was sent to electrocute General Najenda, the leader of Night Raid and joined them to overthrow the corrupt monarchy.


  • 1 Appearance
  • ii Personality
  • three History
    • 3.i Events of Akame Ga Kill!:Zero
    • iii.2 Before the events of Akame ga Kill!
    • 3.three Events of Akame ga Kill!
    • 3.4 Hinowa ga Crush!
  • 4 Equipment and Skills
    • iv.1 Physical Abilities
      • 4.1.1 Electric current Physical Abilities
    • 4.2 Hand-To-Hand Combatant
      • 4.2.1 Drug Doping
    • 4.iii Teigu
    • four.4 Shingu
    • 4.5 Meihou
    • iv.vi Other Abilities
  • 5 Trivia
  • half dozen Navigation


Akame is a pretty young girl with long black hair that reaches downwards to her knees and red eyes. She wears a dark sleeveless superlative with a white collar and a reddish tie; she wears a red chugalug that has a red side brim comprehend over a black, pleated skirt. She wears information technology with long black socks and black shoes. She also wears red gauntlets and black gloves. She sometimes wears a long dark coat in battle. She is often seen conveying her Teigu, Murasame. After activating Murasame's trump carte, she has faded red scars all over her body.

In Soukai, Akame wears a short black Yukata with a white sash outside wartime. During wartime, she wears her usual dark sleeveless wearing apparel.


Akame appears to be a very serious and anesthetic person which stems from her hellish training that the Empire forced her and her sister through, but it is eventually revealed that she is just socially awkward. She cares about her comrades very much and she is always worried that i of them may not make it out alive due to her get-go-hand feel that war e'er has a high bloodshed rate. After Tatsumi fought Ogre, she stripped him of his clothes to check his body for wounds and Akame rushes to Mt. Kageboshi to assistance Hinata who was about to be killed by Yomihime.

She also tends to hide her emotions when it is revealed that a comrade dies, such as seen with Sheele, making Tatsumi mistakenly and incorrectly assume that she deals with it easily, because she is used to information technology. However, this prompts her to break into tears saying that she can never exist fine when she loses a friend, for it is the most horrible thing of which anyone tin can experience. She is and then comforted by a sorry Tatsumi who resolves to non dice and never let her feel such hurting again, making her grin.

Upon facing her enemies, however, she shows absolutely no mercy towards them shouting words such equally "eliminate" and "consign" to show the lack of mercy she has and also to strengthen her resolve to impale them. Afterward donning Murasame's curse, she barely said such words.

Akame loves to consume and is surprisingly known to be a big eater (she usually prefers meat from danger beasts and fish), much like her sis Kurome. She is passionate nearly food to the point that Sheele noted how the "usually cool" Akame turned mad when she had burned some meat. Additionally, she is ordinarily in charge of cooking the base'south meals.

Akame is a person that refuses to take control and refuses promotion unless she was mandated to do then. She takes command of Elite Seven temporarily when Najasho is absent and she takes command of Night Raid's operations when Najenda is away to Revolutionary's Headquarters because she was mandated to takes accuse to do so. During her Campaign at Soukai, she refuses promotion to Captain and Ninja by Maruge since she can move freely as a Foot Soldier under Hinata'southward Control after Battle of Shiranui Fortress.


Events of Akame Ga Kill!:Zippo

Akame and Kurome during the Exam

When Akame was a child, her parents sold both her and her sister Kurome to the Empire and they were forced to participate in a cruel examination, being put inside of a forest inhabited by many Danger Beasts, the only goal beingness to survive and escape the forest. Out of 100 children participating in the test, Akame and her sis are amid the few who manage to survive, but are parted when Gozuki refuses to allow the siblings to join the aforementioned grouping, noting that it would be bad for them to depend on each other. As the stronger of the two sisters, Akame is accepted into Gozuki'due south new Assassinator team, the Elite Seven, and is trained in the arts of espionage and combat, becoming a highly effective killer.

A younger Akame

The 7 were given Shingu, weapons in which the Emperor 400 years ago created in order to surpass the Teigu but failed to surpass them. Akame was given Kiriichimonji, a Shingu where wounds inflicted past the katana cannot be healed. After a long unspecified period of time training, the seven were given their first mission. Akame was sent to impale Martha, a person in the nearby village who was a Revolutionary Army spy and too a shut friend to Akame. This was done to test her resolve as Gozuki feared that she was far also kind for their purposes.

As the others finished their missions successfully, Akame led Martha to a graveyard with the intention of proving that Martha was innocent. Martha denies the claim and Akame tries to leave, proving to herself that the information that she was given was wrong. However, Martha uses the moment when Akame turned her back to her to strike at her. Realizing the truth of the data she was given, Akame cuts her down and Martha dies by Akame's blade and this brings tears to Akame's eyes.

The story skips ahead at this point, side by side showing Akame and Tsukushi disguising themselves amid a traveling entertainer group. Soon the group are attacked past bandits and the pair help fight off their attackers, defeating all of them. Impressed by Akame and Tsukushi'southward skill in battle, the Entertainer's group attempt to recruit them both, revealing themselves equally Rebels plotting against the Empire. Akame and Tsukushi signaled their comrades from the Imperial Assassin Team to set on the group after this revelation, having confirmed that their targets are indeed rebels. Akame and her comrades eliminate the members of the entertainer'due south group, their mission accounted a success and they are both praised by their mentor and leader, Gozuki.

After multiple successful assassinations by the group, the Revolutionary Ground forces somewhen turned to assassins as well, hiring the Tengu Mercenaries and the Oarburghs in an try to counter the Empire'south assassination group,unknowingly pitting the Elite Vii against them.

Months later on the Elite Seven would head on to their new assignment of destroying one of the supply routes of the Revolutionary Army in Hakuro River, Akame herself was stationed underwater were she would intercept and slaughter anyone who tried to escape under the water once her teammates begun their assault against the supply boats, The Vii then launched their sneak attack and successfully annihilated the Tengu Mercenaries, Akame herself managed to kill a few of them due to their attempts of escaping underwater, however unknown to her, Babra Oarburgh and Taeko of the Oarburgh clan managed to successfully sneak by her and escape downwardly river and managed to get the physical description of two of her teammates, Najasho and Green.

During a trip to Deng Zhi Boondocks, Akame would befriend Taeko later on being introduced to her by Cornelia. A day or and so later Akame is approached by Taeko who says she has a bulletin from Cornelia, Akame is so lead to the outskirts of the town by Taeko who and then points to Cornelia'due south corpse. Taeko attempts to electrocute Akame who dodges and counterattacks. The two fight to a stalemate until one final clash ends with Akame emerging victorious. Akame then runs over to check up on Cornelia only to discover that she was dead. The rest of the team arrive on the scene where they mourn over Cornelia's grave until it's time to escape.

Two weeks later, Akame & her comrades are assigned a new mission. They are told to head to Putra, located in the n-west region of the empire. Before leaving for the mission, the group have a meeting to discuss their programme of action. Once the coming together is complete, Akame and Green step outside where they are approached by 3 gravekeepers, a boxing ensues and Akame knocks out three of them and leaves the concluding for Green. During the battle, both Dark-green & Akame work in sync in lodge to defeat and capture the last gravekeeper. Finally, the squad arrives at the tomb of the king.

As they explore the tomb, the group has to avoid numerous traps ready by the gravekeepers equally well as dispatch danger beasts and gravekeeper members. The group is subsequently separated due to a huge boulder trap, it is hither where Akame encounters Jamo. During a cursory scuffle, Akame is ensnared past Jamo'southward tentacles until she begins to swallow him alive which causes him to retreat. She chases him to the tomb'southward atrium, where Jamo releases a chained downward teammate, Nubis. After a quick fight, Akame dispatches Nubis and meets up with Dark-green who has a captured Jamo. The pair are approached by Weneg who declares that he shall take up his deceased relative's fight and they are challenged to a two on two fight.

Akame fights Weneg and during their battle, Greenish joins in after forcing Jamo to retreat making it 2 on one fight. During their boxing, Light-green tries to serve every bit Akame'due south shield but is taken out quickly, Weneg so tries to choke Akame to death with minor interference from Light-green proving futile. While on the brink of losing consciousness, Akame spots Kurome in the distance, with newfound forcefulness, she drives Weneg dorsum. Tsukushi is also around and informs Akame of Weneg's undercover art power and that information technology was responsible for killing Guy. Akame declares that she's the but one that can take out Weneg and their battle resumes.

Over the course of their battle, Akame dodges Weneg's fire and utilizes her shingu's ability and inflicts small unhealable cuts all over his body knowing that the shingu affects won't hurt her once Weneg returns the damage. She continues doing this until Weneg is unable to render the damage and is exhausted from blood loss. After being separated for such a long time, the sisters are finally reunited. The reunion is curt considering Weneg activates the tomb's self-destruct sequence. The remains of both the group of terror and the elite seven work together to escape the collapsing tomb, they eventually manage to escape nevertheless, they lost both Guy & Najasho.

I calendar month later on, at the imperial palace, Gozuki is informed that Natala, Gin, & Kurome will be integrated into his team where Akame is temporally made the leader. The next twenty-four hour period, the team is assigned a mission to become to the water capital of Sweun. Upon arriving at the town, the team is assigned to work at the Suekuni trade firm, it is hither where Akame pairs up Kurome & Tsukushi. Sometime later, during their food chase in the marshes, Akame'south team encounters a danger animate being and dispatches information technology in curt notice besides devour all their collected nutrient. During a trip to purchase oil, Akame notices a suspicious merchant and informs Gozuki.

During some downtime, Akame learns some craftsmanship from Green. Later, during a meeting with Gozuki, he informs the squad that he's learned the location of the rebellion's salt-works, Gappi Marsh. While en route Gozuki mentions that they've identified ii locations and decides to take them both out so he splits the squad in 2. Dark-green, Kurome, and Tsukushi travels with Akame and eventually, they arrive at a recently evacuated factory.

When Akame and the others discuss whether or not if the villages is aiding the rebellion, she'southward told non to call back about it likewise much. Iii weeks later while out on a search mission, Natala, Kurome, and Akame are ambushed by Merraid Oarburgh, Daniel, and Cassandra. Natala is severely injured while Kurome and Akame are taken as hostages.

A while afterward both Akame & Kurome awaken inside a warehouse and is approached by Merraid who tells them that Natala is alive and that she is going to tell them the truth nigh the world. Merraid then frees the two and they walk out the room together where they are lead to 3 men tied in rope. Merraid kills the men and tells Akame & Kurome that she planted insects inside their bodies.

Akame asks nearly her "truth of the earth", Merraid responds past having them sit down so she can tell them the story. Merraid explains that prime minister Honest is behind the country's suffering due to manipulating the young emperor. Akame is and so taken outside and forced into a race with Merraid, somewhen, the ii get around many towns in the region listening to the citizens dissatisfaction with the empire. Merraid and so shows Akame ane concluding surprise, Kurome'due south drug withdraws. Akame gives Kurome her drugs for the withdrawal symptoms.

Before the events of Akame ga Impale!

At some point, after many of her comrades' deaths, she became dissatisfied and resentful towards the government. It was not until she was sent to kill former Full general Najenda that Akame finally defected to the Rebels, after beingness swayed by her words. Her defection from the Empire sparked an intense rivalry between fellow assassin and sister Kurome, forth with a mutual desire to be the one to end the other.

Events of Akame ga Impale!

Akame using Murasame

Akame first appears with the residuum of Night Raid to electrocute Aria & her family. She briefly battles Tatsumi who was under the impression that the family was innocent. The fight stops when Leone interferes. After he sees the truth, Aria is cut down and the mission is complete.

Akame is side by side seen eating parts of an evil bird species and offers some to Tatsumi. She retracts her offer when she is told Tatsumi is non yet part of Dark Raid. Later, when Tatsumi states that Night Raid are assassins of justice, anybody bursts out laughing. She, notwithstanding, remains silent. Afterward Tatsumi accepts joining Night Raid, they are attacked by several members of the Empire employed tracking association and Dark Raid is sent to dispatch them. Akame is attacked by three men, whom she dispatches with dandy ease. She afterwards helps bargain the killing accident to an enemy that Tatsumi was fighting, telling him to promptly country the killing blow to his enemies.

Najenda tells Tatsumi to railroad train under Akame, which at kickoff seems to exist a variety of chores including cooking and angling. Eager to make Akame have him, Tatsumi deals with Ogre of the majestic guard whilst Akame and Leone deal with the other target; Gamal. Upon his return, Akame strips Tatsumi of his dress to check for wounds and expresses concern for Tatsumi'due south well being, revealing that she is not as coldhearted every bit she was idea to be. Her training is revealed to have helped Tatsumi in his mission.

When Zanku the Beheader runs loose in the capital, Akame and Tatsumi are sent to kill him. Akame tells Tatsumi about Teigu and how everybody autonomously from Najenda has ane. Tatsumi encounters Zanku and their fight is interrupted by Akame who joins in the fight, making the boxing betwixt two teigu users.

Zanku uses his spectator Teigu to accurately predict Akame's moves despite the speed and intensity of her strikes. She attempts to clear her mind in society not to be read but it is useless as spectator picks up the pocket-sized changes and predicts her moves. Zanku uses spectator'south third ability to evidence illusions of the target's loved ones to Akame. Zanku claims that no one will be able to cutting down their most beloved person however Akame sees Kurome and does not hesitate to cut her down. She remarks that the person she loves the most is the person whom she wishes to kill the most. Subsequently a cursory fight with Zanku again, she manages to destroy his weapon and cuts him downward.

Akame does non play a major part of the story until after Sheele'southward death where she is shown to try to help Mine with eating her food. Afterward on, Tatsumi sees her go dumplings to utilise as an offering to the dead equally it was Sheele'southward favorite nutrient. Tatsumi remarks how she must be "used to information technology" however, Akame grabs him and shouts at him telling him that she will never be able to become use to the kind of pain of losing her friends. Akame agrees to Tatsumi'southward announcement to change the state without making her experience the pain of losing her friends again.

Akame saves Tatsumi

When Tatsumi is taken by Esdeath, Akame is on the verge of ordering a rescue for him. The other members of Night Raid stop her merely she declares that they will do anything they tin can for him. Soon subsequently, Tatsumi escapes from Esdeath and the Jaegers and Akame finds him and terminate a danger beast from killing Tatsumi in the nick of time.

They return to the Night Raid base of operations where Tatsumi informs Night Raid of the strength and members of the Jaegers which include Kurome; Akame'southward sis. Unbeknownst to them, Dr. Stylish had followed Akame and Tatsumi and found himself at the Night Raid base preparing an attack with his artificially enhanced troops.

As the attack began, Night Raid was caught with their guard downwardly. Akame saves Lubbock from several enhanced troops only to discover herself challenged by the "knight" of Team Stylish; Toby. Akame, after fighting him discovers that he is a cyborg and therefore Murasame's poison cannot work on him. She decides that she must slowly hack him to pieces.

After she kills Toby, she regroups with the balance of Dark Raid. Unfortunately, Dr. Fashionable uses his clandestine toxicant to paralyze the members of Night Raid. Only Tatsumi manages to move due to Incursio. As they are about to be attacked by the enhanced troops, they are saved past a timely attack by the newest member of Dark Raid, Susanoo who came along with Najenda and some other new fellow member Chelsea.

Seeing that his enhanced troops will fail to defeat Dark Raid with the fill-in of the Man Teigu, Susanoo, Dr. Stylish undergoes a danger beast transformation. This turns him into a colossal danger beast, with the only hint of his previous self near the danger creature's chest.

The Night Raid members deem this signal to exist the weak betoken of the danger beast. Akame requests Tatsumi to carry her to the breast of the Dr. Stylish Danger Beast. They successfully evade all of his attacks with the help of Susanoo and the others, then that Akame tin can cut him down. Dr. Fashionable is killed by the poison from Akame's Teigu.

Akame and the others are forced to flee from their base of operations for fear of being found out. They temporarily take residence in an unexplored region of the Empire where they railroad train past subjugating Danger Beasts. They relocate to a new base which is similar to the old one.

They receive word that a new type of Danger Beast has been terrorizing the citizens of the Empire. Nighttime Raid accepts this request and set off to destroy them.

Najenda informs the group of the Revolutionary Army's plan to use multiple uprisings to send the Empire into chaos. 1 of these uprisings is to come from the followers of the Path of Peace. However, it is under threat from an Empire spy named Bolic. It is Night Raid'due south task to assassinate Bolic and ensure that the plans of the Revolutionary Army are kept intact.

Night Raid sends simulated letters that Akame and Mine have left for i Kyoroch and the conflicting reports that Najenda is headed south. Night Raid successfully manages to dissever the Jaegers into two groups.

She is subsequently seen in her bikini with the other members of Night Raid to provide bait for their trap. Mine assures her that if they do end up fighting Kurome that she will spotter Akame's back.

Three month's after Bolic's assassination, Night Raid received a flood of requests from citizens as well every bit the Revolutionary Army to kill Wild Chase. During the same night Jaeger members Run & Kurome head to Wild Hunt'southward headquarters to lure out Champ, Akame assassinates Wild Hunt's Enshin.

On the day of Tatsumi'south execution, Nighttime Raid arrives on the scene to rescue him. Pairing upward with Mine, they have on Esdeath while Leone & Tatsumi tackle Budo and over the form of the battle, turns her attending to Budo once Esdeath is ejected.

Kurome meets Akame on the outskirts of the capital at Gyou Forest. They briefly talk about the past before engaging in combat. The two sister engage in battle and thanks to a very powerful drug, Kurome is able to country a couple of blows on Akame. Due to existence tricked, Kurome and then summons her puppets which include Run, Doya, and Natala just for them to be disabled with ease by Akame. Just equally Akame spots an opening and goes in for the kill all of a sudden Run moves in to protect her from the accident.

With the defeat of her puppets, Kurome regains her strength and resolves to fight using her ain skills. As the battle continues, Kurome becomes slower due to the drugs wearing off and Yatsufusa taking its toll. Kurome attempts to ingest more drugs simply to beat Akame only to exist stopped past Wave. He speaks about protecting Kurome and declares his love for her which causes her to be conflicted and and then she yet tries fighting until Moving ridge snatches her weapon and shatters it stating that she needs closure.

Later being kissed by Wave, Kurome tearfully asks for him to take her abroad. Wave announces their revolt from the Empire and the sisters brand up with Akame telling Kurome to live a happy life. She too takes Yatsufusa's shard as testify to fake Kurome's decease to Revolutionary Army while just a few such equally Tatsumi, Wave, Najenda, and Akame know the truth.

The nighttime earlier Dark Raid'south final mission, she remembered the group'south old members and swore to kill her last targets. She also stated that she would like to go on a boat trip with the remaining members of Nighttime Raid subsequently the revolution. Najenda later on told her the names of her final targets. Akame was besides given a drug that enhanced her strength to increase her chances of completing her mission, which she has to administer before her boxing with Esdeath.

Akame and Leone than infiltrated the Imperial Palace and killed Youkan, their first target. She then confronted her next two targets, Koukei and Dousen, in the palace courtyard. While the targets ran away, a Teigu user appeared to stop them. Akame ordered Leone to pursue the targets while she faced the Teigu user. He activated several lethal traps with his teigu, such as projectiles and poisonous gas, but was soon eliminated by Akame. Leone reunited with her after killing the targets and both were shocked after seeing Shikoutazer. She separated from Leone and went afterward Saikyuu, who was hiding in the basement. She swiftly killed him and his bodyguards before they could escape. She took his Teigu, Rongo Rongo, with her also. Suzuka confronted her and attempted to kill her by destroying the entire basement.

Akame survived the basements destruction and stopped Esdeath from attack Tatsumi. Esdeath noted that Akame's strength had increased by some kind of operation enhancer. Akame told Esdeath that the Empire has fallen after Shikoutazer'southward destruction. All the same, Esdeath claimes she didn't really care about the Empire and their boxing continued. Ten teigu users and over one hundred yard soldiers under the control of Najenda came to assist her in her boxing with Esdeath.

However, Esdeath used her new trump card, Ice Tempest Commander In Principal, to freeze a large office of the Empire and started killing the opposing soldiers and Teigu users. When Tatsumi appeared, now completely transformed into a dragon, Akame pleaded with him to fall back and leave the residual to her. Akame started to circle Esdeath and managed to cut her arm while she is distracted. Esdeath manages to survive the curse by freezing fourth dimension and amputating of her own arm. She as well wounds Tatsumi, who pleads with Akame to impale him before his consciousness fades away completely. Akame gain to stab Tatsumi and activates Murasame'southward trump card.

She once again confronts Esdeath and fights her on equal terms cheers to the power of her trump card, fifty-fifty cut off a few of the full general'south fingers. Esdeath, who is enjoying the battle, creates a wall that separates both her and Akame from the Revolutionary Army. Realizing that she can't employ her trump menu for much longer, Akame musters her strength together for a final assault. However, Esdeath encases herself in a giant soldier made of ice. Akame evades Esdeath's attacks and tries to smash through the ice. However, Esdeath reads her moves and catches Murasame betwixt her hands. She then freezes and subsequently shatters its bract. Akame pushes every last ounce of her strength into her final attack and grabs Esdeath's own sword. She and then strikes Murasame'south handle and stabs Esdeath with its broken blade.

Murasame'due south trump card deactivates and Akame sees Tatsumi flying towards them. Akame explains to Esdeath that she lost because she is lonely and Tatsumi survived considering there are people waiting for his return. She watches as a dying Esdeath encases herself in ice and shatters. Her mission now complete, she meets up with Tatsumi and Najenda. She explains that when she stabbed Tatsumi, she targeted Tyrant's life force instead of Tatsumi'southward and thus only Tyrant died. Akame than remembered Tatsumi promise her that he wouldn't dice and was glad that she could aid him go on that promise.

Even though Murasame'south trump menu had ended, faded cherry-red scars remained all over Akame's body and caused it to hurt. She eventually found Leone and noticed that she was injure as well. Akame wanted to phone call for a doc but was stopped by Leone, who told Akame that she was fine and explained that she was simply alive considering she fused with her Teigu. Akame tried to persuade Leone to seek assist, but Leone declined again considering she wanted to choose how and where she died. Leone told Akame that she was her all-time friend and said farewell. Akame is present along with Najenda when Tatsumi and Mine reunite and the latter wakes up from her coma. She tells Najenda that she believes in love and that memories play a significant part in Mine's recovery. When Najenda said she couldn't believe Mine was pregnant with Tatsumi'due south kid, Akame told her that when she went to get a drinkable of water in the middle of the night, she witnessed Mine trying to make Tatsumi forget about Esdeath. Akame later comforted Kurome when they were lying in bed. Akame told her that she had saved many lives by assuasive Moving ridge to go to the majuscule during the concluding boxing. Akame then hugged her when she was plagued past hallucinations of the people she killed. Akame also occasionally visited Kurome and Wave afterward.

Najenda later met up with Akame, who informed her that she was mostly used to the hurting from Murasame's curse and was ready to become to work once again. Akame then alleged to keep working until the chaos and disorder in the new Empire were eradicated. Later on she had completed her assignments, Akame left the new Empire past boat with Rongo Rongo to hide the fact that the new nation had employed assassins. She sailed to the lands of the east in search of Jinwa, the island nation were Murasame's roots lay. She hoped that at that place would be a cure for Murasame'south curse that all the same caused her pain. While lone on the ship, Akame thought to herself that she wouldn't want to trade the fourth dimension spent with her companions for anything. She also decided that she would continue to live and find a way to abound as a person.

Hinowa ga Crush!

Sometime after the events in Akame ga Kill, Akame's ship gets caught in a tempest. Despite Akame having successfully escaped into a smaller boat that she made as a precaution, the storm still hits her and Akame ends up at Jinwa's shore where she is rescued past Hinata and Tobari. Hinata offers her place to stay and in exchange for rescuing her and giving her place to stay, Akame teaches Hinata swordsmanship due to their similar sword styles.

Upon meeting with the Elder of the hamlet under the recommendations of Hinata and Tobari, Akame tells them her real purpose in coming to Jinwa: that Akame is searching for a style to undo Murasame'due south curse on herself and to detect a way to change Teigu-transformed humans back to their human form (mostly Tatsumi who had turned into Tyrant). Akame also reveals that Murasame'southward curse is slowly killing her.

Akame was initially advised by the Elder not to participate in battle because of her serious injuries while all of the Elder'south Class are participating in their outset war. However, she manages to fully recover and heads to Mt. Kageboshi where she arrives in time to assist Hinata, who was about to be killed past Yomihime.

Dueling Yomihime, the Elder'southward Class students except for Hisame witness the duel, realizing that Akame and Yomihime are in a higher league. Both of them address each other names before Yomihime tries to kill Akame with Falcon Sweep, her kill-signature moves. Akame charges and parrying information technology, in improver, she also able to close distances to Yomihime much to her surprise and injuring her right arm. Frustrated, Yomihime makes a hasty retreat while Akame chooses not to pursue her due to her sword breaks soon subsequently dueling Yomihime. Comforting Hinata over her incapabilities to slay Yomihime, Akame offers herself once over again to train Hinata swordsmanship once the battle of Mt. Kageboshi is over.

Akame and the form are attending the class with Elderberry, wanting to know almost Meihou even more. The Elderberry and then give whatsoever information that he can get about Meihou and also told Akame not to blitz things despite she is thinking about Meihou's attribute that can suppress her expletive. Akame will receive medicinal herb to ease down the expletive temporarily while as well the Elder will cover the price of Akame'south Meihou as a token of gratitude of saving Hinata and his form from expiry past Yomihime. She and the class participate in hunting down Umibouzu, a squid danger-beast and defeats information technology. A month after, she and the grade receives Meihou and set for the next battle.

Former later, Akame spars with Hinata and she narrowly lost the duel as Hinata constantly improved thanks to Akame's lessons. When she, Hisame, and Hinata was near to accept lunch together Tobari butts in delivering urgent news that Tenrou is going to attack again. During coming together with Elder, she will participate from the beginning of the battle to assistance them. She then notices that Hisame's goal is to wednesday Princess Rinzu when the Princess is giving a voice communication to Soukai'south soldiers to boost up morale.

On Shiranui Fortress, Akame works nether control of Hinata who is now a Captain. She went on a stakeout, defeating several Tenrou ninjas and leave one survivor to be left for questioning for Soukai'south sentry. When Kyoukotsu arrived, she continues on a stakeout, unable to witness the duel between Kyoukotsu and Buaku and later on, Suzumaru. Her action of defeating many Tenrou ninjas earn Maruge's commendation upon her return that dark.

She continues her duty every bit usual until when Soil Spider attacks the fortress. She, forth with Hinata and Hisame'southward unit manage to suppress hordes of Soil Spider. Immediately she discovers Tenrou spies and confirms Yomihime's participation in this boxing. Just when Yomihime was virtually to assist Kyoukotsu later on beingness trapped inside, Akame faced her over again. Both of them start their duel once more in forepart of Shiranui Fortress while facing overwhelming pressure from Yomihime, questioning her appearance equally a human.

Dueling Yomihime, Akame learned her truthful identity as a person who was born between Danger Beast and a human. Akame manage to suppress her, just not before Yomihime unleashes more fire that suddenly goes out of control and retreats. She returned shortly later on Hisame beheads Kyoukotsu and Hinata was relieved to see Akame returned in 1 piece admitting she suffers light burn damage. Post-obit the boxing, Akame refuses the promotion to Captain and Ninja since being a Foot soldier allows her to move more than freely.

During the battle of Soukai Nation, Akame was able to snuck into Tenrou campsite. Learning Zuou'southward nature and lack of intel, she postpone the assassination on him. When Moegi notices her presence, Akame takes a pill and utilizing this chance to eliminate her personal harem guard and eliminating Moegi single-handedly. While the effect remains, she rushes to eliminate Zuou just Nahashu stop her, driving her to hesitation before the Murasame curse returns and she was forced to retreat while pursued by Kururiya.

Equipment and Skills

Physical Abilities

Due to being raised and trained past Gozuki one of the Four Rakshasa Demons and i of the Empire's about deadliest assassin for the majority of her childhood, Akame has displayed several superhuman level concrete attributes such as superhuman strength, speed, reflexes, senses and durability due to the rigorous training regiment Gozuki put her through that primarily involved preparation and raising her within the Danger Beast infested wilderness mountains that eventually pb to her current physical build and skill level.

Akame is ofttimes considered to be one of the strongest members of Nighttime Raid, slaying even the strongest of enemies with minimal try. Her hellish bump-off training allows her gainsay prowess to be on par with those as powerful as the General rank within the military levels of the Empire, Esdeath herself acknowledging her strength. Akame is an extremely skilled master swordswoman, able to wield her Teigu Murasame with utmost dexterity and precision, able to slay numerous enemies, fifty-fifty highly skilled and powerful enemies with incredible ease.

She easily slayed Izou a fellow master swordsman in combat and would have killed Tatsumi, if not for the statue his chief villager gave him before embarking on his journey. At her full strength, Akame managed to agree her own against Esdeath, a tremendously powerful master swordswoman and ultimately killed her with a single precise thrust, plunging Murasame's shattered blade directly into Esdeath's middle.

Similar her sister, for some unexplained reason, Akame seems to exist able to consume large amounts of nutrient without any adverse effects on her body. No affair how much she eats, she is somehow able to metabolize all the food she ate without becoming full or even remotely fat, quite possibly due to giving her high metabolism.

Akame possesses tremendous speed, agility and reflexes, being able to contrivance and counter-attack with deadly results, and is also skilled in hand to hand gainsay. She also gives off no killing intent at all when she fights, making information technology difficult for the enemy to sense her presence. According to Wave, she can run at Mach 1 (velocity of sound in the airflow which is approximately 340 meters per second).

Like the other members of the Elite Seven, she is immune to most poisons.

Current Concrete Abilities

After being affected by Murasame's curse and her feeling the after effects of the pill, her trunk was stated to now feel heavy and sluggish and she could no longer be able to motion similar she in one case did. This is seen where Akame could no longer move and fight in the same speed, finesse and accuracy every bit she once did due to her body no longer being in its prime.

Despite the fact that she was afflicted by the expletive that was slowly eating away her body and feeling the after effects of the doping pill, Akame has shown that she could nonetheless go on up with Hinata and Tobari during preparation despite the girl'southward own immense physical prowess and later Akame fifty-fifty showcased that even in her weakened country, she could still fight on equal ground against Yomihime of the Tenrou Nation'south famed, Ten Stars to a stand still and forcefulness her to retreat both times in Shiranui Fortress and Mt, Kageboshi, however it was stated past her that she could non defeat her due to her body feeling to heavy to overpower her. Later she was still able to physically keep up with Hinata and Saiha underwater to terminate Waniba'due south men from delaying Hisame during groom selection at Soukai.

She was later on receives at least 4 pills to undone her curse temporarily. With her current total strength using medicine, she was able to defeat Moegi with less resistance.

Hand-To-Hand Combatant

Akame was trained by both Gozuki and Thou General Budo during her time as an Assassin within the Empire in Hand-to-Hand physical combat and later received farther preparation under Leone and Bulat that further reinforced her skill level. This has made Akame incredibly dangerous and lethal even without Murasame and has shown to easily kill several enemy combatants without the need of a weapon.

Akame'south own strength gives her the power of beingness completely skilled in combat. Her punches and kicks are extremely powerful and are enough to take down and slay numerous enemies, even highly skilled and powerful enemies with incredible ease.

Drug Doping

Later eliminating the contingent of the Dark Squad atomic number 82 past Kylie to assassinate key members of the Revolutionary Army, Akame has successfully acquired some of the Drugs prescribed to them by The Empire. Somewhen the atomic number 82 Doctor of the Army successfully managed to synthesis and combined the various drugs collected into a single pill that greatly enhanced all of Akame'southward physical abilities to an fifty-fifty higher level of power to the signal that she could pressure and push button back Esdeath.

However it was warned by the physician that by taking, there was a chance of Akame later suffering immense physical impairment that may permanently remove her honed senses as an assassinator and destroy her physical wellness.

The drug doping obtained from Enji was different as information technology can curb her curse for a set corporeality of time, and she was merely receives a very limited corporeality of it. When she take a pill, the furnishings of Murasame's curse was nullified and Akame was able to utilise her full force.


Akame carried the Teigu, One-Cutting Killer: Murasame, a katana known for being coated in an immensely deadly poison that could kill those cutting by it within seconds, as the poison itself had no antitoxin. The Teigu's trump card, the ability to strengthen its user with the power of its poisonous curse for a short amount of time, was revealed during the last battles confronting the empire. It is revealed near the end of the manga that Murasame's poison could only target one life at a time; using this to her advantage, she killed Tyrant without pain Tatsumi.

Later Murasame is destroyed, Akame used The Complete Volume of the World: Rongo Rongo when she traveled East. She later lost information technology in a tempest at sea when her ship was ambushed by a Sea Danger Creature.


She was once equipped with the katana-based Shingu, Kiriichimonji before gaining her Teigu. It has the ability to create permanent wounds which cannot be healed or closed. Akame made apply of this Shingu during the bulk of her missions while working with the Empire, during which she managed to kill several powerful opponents using the Shingu, having successfully dispatched members and the leaders of the Sabatini Evidence,The Oarburgh Clan,The Gravekeepers,The Revolutionary Army and the Retribution Grouping before eventually losing it during her defection later successfully defeating her mentor and male parent figure,Gozuki.


Akame gains a new Meihou sword after she and Elder's Class hunt downwardly Danger Beast on the shore after her first weapon is cleaved when fighting Yomihime during a boxing at Mt. Kageboshi. She earns Meihou as a reward of saving Elder'due south Course from annihilation every bit the production toll will be covered by the Elderberry.

This weapon afterward proved to exist much more durable than her previous sword during her battle against Yomihime, but unlike her previous weapons of selection, this particular Meihou possess no special abilities or features.

Other Abilities

Due to beingness trained by Gozuki for a majority of her childhood in the mountain wilderness to be an assassinator, Akame has displayed several miscellaneous skills that more or less contributes to abilities equally an assassinator.

  • Wilderness Survival Skills: Akame has repeatedly shown to exist highly self sufficient and capable of surviving in the wilderness on her ain. With Gozuki having taught her how to chase and forage for food, identify poisonous plants, fish, cook, camping out in the wild and many other survival skills. Akame in particular was noted to be profoundly talented in this field.
  • Firearms: Akame was also trained on how to handle, make clean and shoot basic firearms equally function of her preparation and was stated to exist sufficiently skilled on how to kill someone with a gun.
  • Limited Medical Training: Akame was also taught on how to perform bones first aid when she or her teammates are injured during missions.


  • Akame is a discussion play on Aka me, which means "Ruddy Eye" in Japanese. So the title of the manga ways The Red Eyed Killer. Akame has crimson eyes while her sister, Kurome, which means "Black Heart", has black eyes.
  • Her measurements are 81-56-83.
  • The anime's kickoff opening theme, Skyreach, and 2nd ending theme, Tsuki Akari, are both performed past Sora Amamiya, who voices Akame.
  • Akame shares some similarities with Imai Nobume from the anime "Gintama" They both were trained equally assassins since they were very young, they both left a corrupted Government/Empire to join a rebel regular army (although Nobume is in the Mimawarigumi who are police officers secretly in alliance with Takasugi), they both would kill their targets without hesitation, both are very skilled swordswomen and both of them have an unhealthy obsession over their favourite foods (donuts for Nobume and meat for Akame).
  • According to Book 14's Post Script, Wave is at present Akame's brother-in-law.


T·E Night Raid
Faction: The Revolutionary Regular army
Leader: General Najenda
Members: Akame · Leone · Tatsumi · Mine
Deceased: Bulat · Chelsea · Lubbock · Sheele · Susanoo
Teigu: Lionelle · Murasame · Incursio
Lost Teigu: Cross Tail · Extase · Gaea Foundation · Pumpkin · Susanoo


Source: https://akamegakill.fandom.com/wiki/Akame

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