During the Protestant Reformation, occurring in Europe during the mid 1500's, the Cosmic Church was faced with many new thoughts and behavior well-nigh faith and everyday gild. Martin Luther and his 95 Thesis challenged many of the cadre beliefs and rules of the Cosmic Church as people all across Europe were converting to Protestantism. The Church was falling behind and was no longer current with what people expected in order.

Cati, Pasquale. The Council of Trent. 1588. Fresco. Santa Maria, Trastevere, Rome.

Cati, Pasquale. The Council of Trent. 1588. Fresco. Santa Maria, Trastevere, Rome.

The Council of Trent

The Council of Trent served every bit an update for the Church. During a series of 25 sessions occurring during the period of December thirteenth, 1545 till December 4th, 1563 the church addressed many issues. This internal reform allowed for the chosen members, mostly bishops, to gather and discuss all doctrines followed by the church. They covered topics such as marriage, sin, scripture and position of the church in society. It was not until the 25thursday and final session that the topic of fine art in the Church was addressed.

The New Rules

The Church during its own reformation wanted the art to allow everyone to understand and join in the Catholic faith. Before the Council of Trent put forth its doctrines of how art was to be used, much of the Renaissance fine art that depicted religious symbols, events, or people was very complex and ambiguous. They lacked a clear definition on the meaning of the slice. As a issue, the uneducated ofttimes could non empathise the picture. An example of this can be constitute Paolo Veronese's Feast in the House of Levi. Its qualities follow they typical Renaissance patterns with its employ of light and humanism style choices. It shows a dinner scene occurring with the twelve apostles and many other people. The picture has a lot of activity and was not very concise to the subject area matter of the painting.

Veronese, Paolo. Feast in the House of Levi. 1573. Oil on Canvas. Gallerie dell'Accademia, Venice.

Veronese, Paolo. Banquet in the Firm of Levi. 1573. Oil on Canvas. Gallerie dell'Accademia, Venice.

It was discussed at the Council of Trent that art should be used to assistance teach the stories of the Catholic Church building. It was the task of the Bishops to utilize art equally a tool to spread the bulletin. As a result paintings had to accept clear subject area affair that could exist easily understood by all, not just the well educated. A like stance was taken in the music of the Church building. Less Latin was being used and more lyrics that could be understood across a more general audience became common.

They wanted to remove every bit much obscurity as possible. Artist should not include any types of plants, animals or technologies that they know and want to include to testify off their cognition. Just the opposite was also discouraged. They did not want cryptic paintings and subject matter created considering the artist did not empathize was they were asked to depict. Every bit a issue information technology was encouraged that the artist have a proficient understand of who or what they were painting.  Separation of a single story into multiple panels was encouraged to clearly depict all the parts then everything could be understood. It was also said that only things that have been agreed on past the church to be true should be included in the art of the Church. After these rules were discussed, information technology is clear the Paolo Veronese's painting does not fit the reformed criteria of the Cosmic Church. Information technology lacks the clarity and agreement that was now encouraged.

A Fine Example of Rule Following Baroque Artwork

Murillo, Bartolome Esteban. The Adoration of the Shepherds. 1650-55. Oil on Canvas. Museo del Prado, Madrid.

Murillo, Bartolome Esteban. The Adoration of the Shepherds. 1650-55. Oil on Sail. Museo del Prado, Madrid.

The painting that I accept chosen to highlight is The Admiration of the Shepherds by Bartolome Murillo. This painting clearly in line with the reformed Catholic rules for fine art. It still uses a very classic bizarre style with the dissimilarity of light and dark, but information technology has a very articulate religious story backside it. It is an identifiable nativity scene from the birth of Jesus. Information technology could easily exist used past a Bishop to share a story and there are no extraneous features to the painting. I relish the use of light in this painting and how it draws your centre into to the heart and towards baby Jesus. I retrieve it is a very classic piece and shows how the influence of the reformation and the Church changed what kind of fine art was being made during the Protestant Reformation and afterwards the Council of Trent, which concluded upward being one of the most influential series of meeting for the Christian Faith in all its history.

Works Cited

Camaram Dr. Esperanca. Bizarre Fine art in Europe, an Introduction. Khan Academy. 2013 https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/art-history/art-history-1600-1700-the-bizarre

Cati, Pasquale. The Quango of Trent. 1588. Fresco. Santa Maria, Trastevere, Rome.

Murillo, Bartolome Esteban. The Adoration of the Shepherds. 1650-55. Oil on Canvas. Museo del Prado, Madrid.

Sieger, West. B, The Council Of Trent On Religious Fine art And Paolo Veronese Before The Inquisition Tribunal. Northern E Illinios Academy, 2010. http://world wide web.neiu.edu/~wbsieger/Art316/316Read/Council%20of%20Trent.pdf

Sorabella, Jean. "Baroque Rome". In Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2000–. (Oct 2003) http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/baro/hd_baro.htm

Veronese, Paolo. Feast in the Firm of Levi. 1573. Oil on Sail. Gallerie dell'Accademia, Venice.

The Spider web Gallery of Art. 2014. http://www.wga.hu/index.html