Do U Read the Book of Mormon Like a Book

Well, beginning off, I should say that I no longer consider myself a fellow member of the LDS church building (much to my parents' and many relative's shame) merely that doesn't mean I don't still relate with them or that I'1000 not appreciative of what the church taught me. Because, in some aspects, I actually am grateful for what I retained during my adolescent (like how to sew and crotchet… every bit well as how to make at least three real meals that include vegetables). But whenever the topic of religion comes upwards (shudder) my Mormon past is e'er inevitably touched upon and it's ever the aforementioned prepare of questions that quite honestly, are surprising. I figured people would get more aware of the things Mormons actually believed equally I got older, just from my feel, it's simply gotten worse (despite Mitt Romney being Mormon all over the place). In this article I shall endeavour to shed a little light.


1. They exercise non practice polygamy

By God if every kid in my heart school didn't tease me about having a dozen moms and one dad. Which I guess is kind of expected from twelve year olds, what I didn't expect was the continued projection of this misconception into my educated machismo. Hither'due south the deal, peeps; according to Mormon beliefs there was a fourth dimension in early on church history, afterwards they had settled in Utah, that God wanted the church building to procreate with and support a much larger community of women by instituting plural matrimony. They supported this doctrine past inducing practices which were upheld during biblical times (specifically, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, David and Solomon). This wasn't a practice that was largely adhered to and information technology was carefully controlled past the church, meaning, that all participants had to exist interviewed and willing earlier such a ceremony was implemented. Any plural marriages non performed under the explicit permission of the leadership of the church building were not condoned.

Long story short, the The states Authorities, whom had been pretty pissed nearly the Mormons before paw, were not very keen on the whole idea. The Morrill Anti-Bigamy Act was somewhen passed prohibiting polygamy in all the U.s.a. and its territories, the Mormons, withal, believed they were protected past the first amendment. This led to a decade of strained ties between Utah and the federal government. Eventually the Prophet (at this time Wilford Woodruff) abolished the practice and Utah was fifty-fifty, eventually, immune to go a country.

I myself am a product of polygamy through my ancestors in the Mormon Mexican Colonies which were eventually driven out; I have some pretty interesting family history from that item blood line.

Present mean solar day, any member of the LDS church institute to be practicing Polygamy is excommunicated, meaning they are removed from the church registries and are no longer considered active members.

There are, however, divergent sects who do still uphold the exercise, such equally the Mormon Fundamentalists, which I won't become into hither other than to say they are not considered by the LDS church itself every bit true Mormons.

In full, polygamy was good from 1852 to 1890. As in non 2014, can we let it become now, please?

2. They do non, in fact, worship Joseph Smith

I go this one a lot, "Don't they, like, pray to that Joseph Smith guy or something?" No, I promise, they do not. Not even a little flake.

Joseph Smith is viewed by Mormons equally another of God's prophets, akin to those in the Old Attestation. They believe that it was Smith who restored the truest course of Christ'south gospel to the earth after Jesus' death by translating ancient texts with the assistance of angels. I get that this sounds crazy (it probably is), just pace outside yourself for a moment and consider, is that anymore crazy than what any other Christian faith professes? I mean, seas parted, the plagues of Arab republic of egypt, reviving the dead, a woman impregnated past 'the holy spirit,' come-on. Is the idea of God speaking to a beau through angels actually that unbelievable in such context?

Personally, it's all fantasy to me, but Mormon behavior are no more fantastic, in my stance, than whatever other religion.  And hey, at least they didn't send fiddling boys to fight the Muslims on a holy quest to die by the thousands or burn 'witches' at the stake.

Anyway, I digress. Mormons practice not in any fashion worship Joseph Smith or any of the other Prophets. Yes, they still have Prophets in the present day, they have one right now. His name is Thomas S. Monson and below him are the twelve Apostles (seeing a Biblical trend here?). They believe God calls a new Prophet following the expiry of the previous one, kind of like the Pope minus the sweet donkey car and the secret super rich city. They turn to their Prophet for guidance but ultimately, members are encouraged to communicate with God on their ain to ascertain the truth of the Church and it'due south teachings themselves.

3. They actually are Christian, sorry.

aneChris·tian ( noun) \ˈkris-chən, ˈkrish-\ : a person who believes in the teachings of Jesus Christ

The above definition is one that I painstakingly Googled and stole from the internet. It was crude guys. So, anyway, something you may not know is that 'Mormon' is non the actual name of the church merely in fact references the Book of Mormon (which is one of the ancient texts Smith translated and one in which they hold in equal regard with the Bible) and was also the proper noun of i of the Prophets within the text itself. He was also, allegedly, the angel whom visited Smith and helped him to translate The Volume of Mormon.

The existent name of the church is 'The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Mean solar day Saints,' or LDS (not to be confused with LSD). Pretty much the but deciding factor of Christianity is that someone believes the teachings of Christ, which equally a practicing fellow member during my earliest childhood to early adulthood, is exactly what Mormons practise. Sure, they similar to throw a bunch of actress crap in there like non drinking coffee (probably the main reason I could never go dorsum) or alcohol, just at the very cadre of their organized religion are the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Whether or non they are a 'cult' is a totally unlike matter. I would betoken out, however, that during the earliest days of Christianity (before anyone called it that) the Jews thought the followers of Christ were role of a behemothic heretic cult, hence why they hung him from a cross. Information technology'southward actually all a matter of perspective. Although, the corporeality of time I had to spend at church as a kid was downright fanatical, then I can see how people might come across that every bit 'cultish.' To me it was generally a lot of boring talking and waaaaaaay too much singing.

4. They are not the aforementioned as Jehovah Witnesses

I won't go into too much depth hither other than to say that Mormons do celebrate holidays; they don't believe sins are transmitted through claret, many join the armed forces and will however put their hands over their hearts during the pledge of allegiance and they don't believe associating with people outside their faith is sinful.

Both Mormons and Jehovahs practise have door to door 'salesmen' though, which I judge leads back to the original confusion between the ii. Only I did love all the fun questions kids would ask me in high school like, "Hey it's raining, won't you lot melt?" or "Um, isn't it against your religion to consume Chinese food?" or my favorite, "Don't you have to habiliment special underwear and then you lot never see yourself naked?" All of these people were expressionless serious, by the way. I probably shouldn't accept gone forth with and agreed to all of them, but hey, you have to become your kicks somewhere. Which leads me to…

v. The infamous magical underwear

Hither'south where my education falls a little flat, I'm agape. Mormons who article of clothing the magical underwear, or 'garments,' have undergone special instruction inside one of the Mormon Temples, which they hold explicitly holy and only a 'worthy member' (ane who doesn't beverage coffee or whom lives with their fiancé… heh) can enter. Upon getting married, or later on existence interviewed past one's Bishop (kind of like a Catholic Priest minus a paycheck and cool robes), you enter into covenants with God; or and then devout church members believe. These covenants are held then sacred that they are not even taught within the church lessons themselves. All I was always told well-nigh garments growing up was that they are meant to be a symbol and reminder of the promises a person fabricated to God and are worn at all times except for bathing, swimming, certain sports or… you know, sexy time. Also, they brand crawly whips to hit your little sis with when it'due south your plow to fold the laundry.

I'm certain that someone could really go online and research this topic (many disavowed Mormons accept spoken out about it, I'yard sure), I am simply expressing things as I was taught equally a past fellow member myself. Not saying it's perfect by any means, merely it is truthful.

A option of other random facts:

  • They practise not believe in shopping, traveling or engaging in activities outside of the dwelling on Sundays.
  • Facial pilus is generally frowned upon, particularly in offices of leadership. My father was recently 'chosen' (chosen from the congregation) as a councilor in the church building and was asked to shave off his mustache, which he'd had my entire life. He looks freaky.
  • Women cannot attain positions of spiritual leadership within the church (such as Bishops, Apostles or Prophets).
  • They practice not believe in watching rated R movies, drinking tea or any other overly caffeinated beverages, they also do not condone tattoos or piercings aside from ears on women (none for dudes). They likewise believe in dressing 'modestly,' significant no shorts above fingertip length, nix that reveals the mid section and no sleeveless or strapless dresses or shirts (this suuuuucked during an Arizona summer, past the way).
  • They believe that families married or 'sealed' together in the Temple will live on together into the afterlife.
  • They exercise not believe children are born into 'original sin.'
  • There are three tiers of heaven; Celestial (best), Terrestrial (2d best) and Telestial (worst; but all the same considered part of sky). Mormon hell is called 'Outer Darkness' and you have to be pretty atrocious to become at that place. Think Hitler… or Ann Coulter (Bazinga!).
  • The idea that if you are righteous enough you can basically exist the ruler of some other globe or planet is not widely taught and adequately controversial within the church itself. It certainly was not something that was taught in my Sunday school classes.
  • At that place are no paid clergy within the church building; information technology is all volunteer based until you get to the higher echelon with the Apostles and Prophet himself whom are, obviously, provided merely what they demand to alive simply and comfortably.
  • They perform something chosen 'baptisms for the dead' (which I participated in several times after reaching the required age of twelve) that doesn't actually mean they exhume dead bodies and dunk them underwater. I wish that were the instance, it take been pretty freakishly absurd. Basically, since they believe you lot have to be baptized Mormon to go to sky, they baptize their members in the spiritual identify of the unfortunately expressionless person whom did not have the chance to exist baptized on world.
  • Some famous people they have washed this for (causing varying degrees of outrage): Elvis Presley, Anne Frank, Princess Diana, Gandhi, and, allegedly (sources vary here), Adolf Hitler. I tried to become baptized for Marking Twain when I was xiv… obviously someone had browbeaten me to it. Bastards. They merits this do is endorsed by the Campaigner Paul in 1 Cor. 15:29.
  • Prior to a Temple being 'defended' the full general public is invited to bout the building. They're actually pretty kickass inside, seriously beautiful, and I would encourage anyone to go check them out if they become the opportunity.
  • The CIA and the FBI have Mormon recruitment programs. The CIA in item has a skewed corporeality of LDS employees.
  • Men, around the age of eighteen (women effectually nineteen) who continue missions are away from home for near 2 years living off the required amount of coin they saved prior and are asked not to return home unless a close family fellow member has died. They have restricted phone and internet employ (if they have it at all) and are encouraged to write letters instead. My dad went to the Dominican Republic and my mother went to Milan, Italy.

Mormons, like any other religion, are filled with wonderful, understanding and compassionate people every bit well equally those whom are judgmental, harsh and unkind; the latter of which are far less common in my experience. I capeesh my childhood within the church and sometimes I even miss the full general kinship I felt and their focus on the humble serving of their fellow man, something I wish more people would embrace. Mormonism, or whatever other organized religion, is non for me personally, but I do promise that this article has helped shed some calorie-free on the actual behavior of church members and that maybe you have a better understanding of that really big family down the street who are ever inviting you over to dinner or some sort of church function. Hey, they ever have awesome nutrient at those things, trust me. Thought Catalog Logo Mark


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