We Will Be Continuing Our Mid week Series a Life of Faith Join Us

Ancient Dysfunction: A Family Systems Exploration of the Biblical Patriarchs

Dates: Wednesdays, September 14, 21, 28, October 5
Time: 6 – 7 p.m.
Location: Peete Room

Adam & Eve, Abraham & Sarah, Isaac & Rebekkah, and Jacob & Leah & Rachel have been revered as holy families by world religions for millennia, but the biblical text also reveals some dysfunctional behavior patterns in their families that seem to be passed on generation after generation. Join psychologist Dr. Anne Ayres for a closer look at these ancient biblical families from a family systems perspective. Sign up at tinyurl.com/AncientDysfunction.

The Ammas & The Abbas: An Introduction to the Desert Fathers and Mothers

Dates: Wednesdays, October 12, 19, 26, & November 2
Time: 6 – 7 p.m.
Location: Peete Room

The first monks and nuns in Christianity were eccentric and weird, wild men and women. They lived out in the desert, trying to live a quiet, prayerful life of solitude, but soon they became known for their wisdom and holiness and people began to flock to them for counsel and expert teaching on spirituality. Join Fr. Jesse Abell for this four-part introduction to some of the major men and women who have continued to inspire Christians for 1,700 years. Sign up at tinyurl.com/AmmasAbbas. (Note: After our series, on Sunday, November 6, we will have a special Lunch & Learn event at GSL with the Rev. Dr. Tim Vivian to learn more detail about these Ammas and Abbas.)

Enneagram Retreat Workshop

Dates: Friday, October 28 through Saturday, October 29
Location: Trezevant Hall

Would you like to have healthier relationships? More productive workplaces and meetings? The Enneagram is a personality typing system that describes patterns in how people interpret the world and manage their emotions. Join us for a group journey of self-discovery and coaching, facilitated by seasoned coach Anna Duggan, as we learn more about who we are and how we interact with others. Contact Christi Authement for questions: cauthement@gracestlukes.org or 901-825-7353. Sign up today at tinyurl.com/GSLEnneagram.

Overlooked Books of the Bible: Introduction to the Apocrypha

Dates: Wednesdays, November 9, 16, 30, December 7
Time: 6 – 7 p.m.
Location: Peete Room

You might have noticed that the table of contents in Anglican and Roman Catholic Bibles differs from that of run-of-the-mill Protestant Bibles. Have you ever wondered why? Have you ever been intrigued by readings on Sunday morning that come from books you haven't ever heard talked about before (Sirach, Wisdom, Maccabees, Tobit, etc.)? This is your chance to learn more about the Apocrypha, those books that early American Protestants removed from Bibles in the New World. Join Dr. Dan Pigg for this fascinating introduction to some of the greatest biblical stories you've never heard. Sign up at tinyurl.com/GSLApocrypha.

Adult Inquirers & Confirmation Class "Living Into Our Faith"

Dates: Sundays, October 30; November 6, 13, & 20; December 4, 11, & 18
Time: 12 – 1 p.m.
Location: TBD

What does it mean to live as a Christian in the Episcopal tradition in today's world? Why is the Eucharist so crucial to our faith? Why do Episcopalians have such peculiar terminology (e. g. narthex, curate, vestry, etc.)? These and many other questions will be addressed and discussed during our Inquirers series entitled, "Living Into Our Faith." This class is for both members and non-members who wish to learn more about, have a refresher, or reaffirm their faith as Episcopalians; who are not confirmed Episcopalians; or who wish to be received into the Episcopal Church from another Christian tradition. At the end of the class, those who wish to be confirmed, reaffirmed, or received will be invited to take part in a service during Bishop Phoebe's visit to GSL on January 8. For questions, contact Fr. Jesse Abell (jesse.abell@gracestlukes.org or 901-252-6330). Details and Registration: gracestlukes.org/inquirers-classes.

GSL Daytime Book Group (Weekday) hosted by Janie Morris and Carol Ann Mallory

The book group meets on the second Thursday of the month at GSL, September through May from 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. Bring your lunch if you like. No obligations or requirements, just show up if you read the book, are thinking of reading the book, or just want some nice company who loves books. On September 8 we will discuss two books focused on World War II: Daughters of Yalta by Catherine Katz and The Paris Library by Janet Skelesin Charles. For further information or to add your name to the mailing list, contact Janie Morris (tinyurl.com/RealmJanieMorris) or Carol Ann Mallory (tinyurl.com/RealmCarolAnnMallory) via Realm. The reading list for 2022-2023 is found at gracestlukes.org/gsl-daytime-book-group.


Watch past formation offerings here: https://www.gracestlukes.org/forum-videos


Source: https://www.gracestlukes.org/midweek-formation

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