Funny Ads and Boards of Indian Doctors

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What's your doctor reading? How social media is disrupting medical education

'The textbooks can no longer keep up with the information cycle or the technology cycle'

Dr. Niran Argintaru was in the middle of his shift at St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto when a patient who had experienced a brief loss of consciousness was brought into the emergency room. A junior resident he was supervising reviewed the patient's electrocardiogram (ECG) to rule out a cardiac cause.

"She brought me the ECG and told me, 'It looks OK.' But when I asked her what she was looking for, she only knew a few things," says Argintaru, a senior resident at the University of Toronto. "I took out my phone and went on (the website) Life in the Fast Lane, I showed her some ECGs of stuff that you don't want to miss."

Like thousands of other doctors around the world, Argintaru, 30, uses Free Open Access Meducation (FOAM) to teach residents and to keep his own medical knowledge up to date.

"I never carry a book with me," he says. "All of this stuff is available for free, and it's in the palm of my hands."

FOAM is not a single website, nor is it just a podium for broadcasting anecdotes or opinions. It is a community for sharing medical knowledge openly, and distilling peer-reviewed research into digestible, bite-sized points. The information is shared freely on Twitter, podcasts, blogs and other platforms under the hashtag #FOAMed.

It's changing the nature of medical education, as students and professionals gain access to the latest research at a rapid pace. But some educators are concerned about the consequences of relying on unregulated online information.

"The textbooks can no longer keep up with the information cycle or the technology cycle," says Dr. Sara Gray, an emergency and critical care specialist at St. Michael's Hospital and associate professor at the University of Toronto. "The answer that was right two years ago is no longer necessarily the right answer today, and that rate of change makes it very hard for everybody to agree on how exactly we should be practicing at any given moment."

I never carry a book with me. All of this stuff is available for free, and it's in the palm of my hands

Traditionally, research would be presented at conferences, discussed at meetings, and gradually incorporated into international guidelines and textbooks. It would then filter down into clinical practice, years after its original publication. This process is referred to as the "knowledge translation cycle." With FOAM, things are moving much more quickly, and that's not necessarily a good thing, says Dr. Chris Hicks, an emergency medicine specialist at St. Michael's Hospital and associate professor at the University of Toronto.

"The knowledge translation cycle has shrunk down so much that we're starting to implement things that maybe we shouldn't, because they seem cool and contemporary on social media… whether or not it's actually influenced practice or not," he says. "I don't know if anyone has really looked at that."

On the other hand, FOAM has democratized medical information, Hicks says, and presented researchers with access to viewpoints they might not have been exposed to otherwise. "In the end, you can make a more thoughtful and thorough analysis."

Dr. David Carr, a staff physician and associate professor at the University of Toronto, is an advocate for the use of social media in medicine, but he says students run the risk of ending up with a "Swiss cheese model of knowledge" — with major gaps in their understanding.

"One of the challenges with FOAM is that if you only seek medical knowledge obtained through open-access medicine, it tends to romanticize topics, so sometimes you overlook core concepts," he says. "They want to pick up the weird case, the thing that they know they can talk about on social media… they're looking for romanticized, zebra, esoteric stuff… but they don't know about basic (stuff)."

Until recently, social media and medical education shared an awkward partnership. Some educators discussed research on Twitter or posted on blogs, but many physicians were reluctant to engage on traditional social media.

If you want to know how we will practice medicine in the future, listen in the hallways, and use FOAM

"The word 'social media' turns people off," says Dr. Mike Cadogan, an Australian emergency physician considered by many to be the father of FOAM. "Everybody thinks we're a bunch of internet geeks who want to know what Snoop Dogg had for breakfast…(so) what we've tried to do is come up with an alternative name to social media… we've come up with the FOAM project."

Cadogan coined the term in 2012, and since then the community has thrived. Symplur, a healthcare social media analytics company, reports that between 2012 and 2016, tweets with #FOAMed increased from 40 million to 725 million.

And a study published in the Emergency Medical Journal in 2014 showed that the most popular FOAM websites receive about 11 million views each year. Students can even find links to pirated copies of textbooks on these sites.

But the latest information is found outside those textbooks.

"If you want to know how we practiced medicine five years ago, read a textbook," says Dr. Joe Lex, a retired American physician who helped pioneer the FOAM movement. "If you want to know how we practiced medicine two years ago, read a journal. If you want to know how we practice medicine now, go to a good conference. If you want to know how we will practice medicine in the future, listen in the hallways, and use FOAM."

Medical schools haven't reached a consensus about how to deal with FOAM, but they're introducing other online resources in the meantime.

Simba Information, an American market research company, found that digital media accounted for more than 42 per cent of undergraduate course materials in 2016, up from 31 per cent in 2014.

Mei Wen, a second-year medical student at the University of Toronto, says her clerkship includes mandatory online modules and interactive cases.

"Individual tutors, oftentimes residents, may point us to a particular online (FOAM) resource," she says.

But her school has not embraced FOAM as part of its curriculum.

How medical schools will engage with (or distance themselves from) FOAM in the future is unclear, but the sheer volume of people using it makes it likely that the resource is here to stay. And many trainees and educators now say that blog posts and podcasts can actually have a more powerful and immediate impact than publishing in medical journals.

"If I publish a journal article that a few hundred people read, and they just skim-read it, what is the impact of that?" Carr says. "If I give a lecture at SMACC (Social Media and Critical Care conference), it might get downloaded 100,000 times…there's the bigger impact. I get emails all the time from doctors I've never met, I get people approaching me at conferences, thanking me for something I said in a podcast that helped them save someone's life."

Dr. Conor Lavelle is an emergency medicine resident and a fellow in global journalism at the Munk School of Global Affairs at the University of Toronto.


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